Startup Advisor & Mentor Stephen G. Barr Attempts to Return To Professional Ski Racing at the Age of 58!

img_20160921_081538_processed_1 United States — — Nov 21, 2016 — Noted angel investor, startup advisor and busisness mentor Stephen G. Barr of SGB Media Group and Startup Hive has announced his intent to return to competive ski racing at the age of 58. Ski racing is considered to be a “young men’s sport” by most but Barr plans to prove them wrong. He is retiring from his media company and startup incubator and moving to Sun Valley, ID to work as a ski instructor and ski racing crew member at a substantial cut in pay and has initiated a crowdfunding campaign on the US Ski Team’s platform on

us_ski_team_mastersHe plans on racing on the USSA Masters Circuit starting with the 2017-18 season next year. USSA Alpine Masters organize age group alpine ski racing for competitors 18 and up. Competition is organized under the rules of the United States Ski Association (USSA), the national governing body for skiing and snowboarding, in the alpine ski disciplines of SL, GS, SG, and DH. Ski racing events around the country are organized by masters groups within each USSA division. In addition to division races, there are regional and national competitions along with opportunities to compete internationally in the FIS Masters Cup (FMC) events.

The fundraising page can be seen at

Contact Information: Name: Stephen G. Barr

Company: SGB Media Group

Telephone: 562-400-0685

About Stephen G. Barr, Group Publisher

Author, Syndicated Columnist, Editor In-Chief and Group Publisher at SGB Media Group, a social media marketing firm specializing in digital media content production, publishing, affiliate marketing, public relations and advertising. Over 25 years experience in retailing, advertising, website & online forum development, niche social networking, affiliate marketing, search optimization, branding and identity, site location, non-profit fund raising. Event planning, promotion, production and MC/Host at public events. Author, Editor & Publisher of 35 syndicated, digital publications utilizing multiple digital distribution channels in conjunction with launching and administrating national advertising campaigns for major Fortune 500 advertisers in partnership with Google, Ning, Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, DoubleClick, LinkShare, PepperJam and other industry leading third party affiliate networks. Product development team member from conception to launch on many websites, tangible goods and organizational structure for start ups. Specialties: Public relations, retailing, advertising, website & online forum development, niche social networking, blogging, email campaigns, affiliate/performance marketing, search optimization, branding and identity, site location, event production & promotion, non-profit fund raising and tasteful, responsible adult content publishing. An internationally recognized and read social media columnist and pundit on The Examiner, Associate Content,, Substack, Medium, Elephant Journal, and his own affiliated sites.
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