The 2016-17 competition season has begun |


Snow is falling in the Southern Hemisphere and racing has begun, officially launching the 2016-17 alpine competition season. If we wrote about horse racing, the headline would read, “And it’s off to the races.” In El Colorado, Chile, men and women contested two giant slalom races a piece on July 29. On the ladies’ side, World Cup athlete Noelle Barahona of Chile claimed back-to-back victories. On the men’s side, Thomas Maitre of France took one win while Andres Figueroa of Chile proved victorious in the second race of the day. Meanwhile in South Africa, yes, South Africa – at a resort called Tiffindell – skiers from several European nations started the process of lowering their points with a marathon of slalom. A total of 10 slalom races for each gender were contested between July 26 and Aug. 1, so it’s no surprise that first-year FIS skier Tormis Laine of Estonia eventually took a tumble. Our legs would have been pretty tired too.

Source: The 2016-17 competition season has begun |

About Stephen G. Barr, Group Publisher

Author, Syndicated Columnist, Editor In-Chief and Group Publisher at SGB Media Group, a social media marketing firm specializing in digital media content production, publishing, affiliate marketing, public relations and advertising. Over 25 years experience in retailing, advertising, website & online forum development, niche social networking, affiliate marketing, search optimization, branding and identity, site location, non-profit fund raising. Event planning, promotion, production and MC/Host at public events. Author, Editor & Publisher of 35 syndicated, digital publications utilizing multiple digital distribution channels in conjunction with launching and administrating national advertising campaigns for major Fortune 500 advertisers in partnership with Google, Ning, Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, DoubleClick, LinkShare, PepperJam and other industry leading third party affiliate networks. Product development team member from conception to launch on many websites, tangible goods and organizational structure for start ups. Specialties: Public relations, retailing, advertising, website & online forum development, niche social networking, blogging, email campaigns, affiliate/performance marketing, search optimization, branding and identity, site location, event production & promotion, non-profit fund raising and tasteful, responsible adult content publishing. An internationally recognized and read social media columnist and pundit on The Examiner, Associate Content,, Substack, Medium, Elephant Journal, and his own affiliated sites.
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